Terms and conditions - JONATAN DROR




Company: Jonatan Dror ApS
CVR: 42791520
Address: Hammerensgade 1, 2 floor 1267 Copenhagen K
Email: info@jonatandror.dk
Telephone: +45 28 44 50 10


At Jonatandror.com, you can pay with MobilePay, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron and American Express, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

If you pay with an international payment card, the amount is reserved immediately. The money is reserved on your card or account until:

1. We deduct the amount when we send the item, or
2. The amount is released in accordance with the agreement with your card issuer.

You can read more about the rules for your specific card from your card issuer. There is no card fee associated with the use of the various payment options. The amount is only withdrawn from your card when the goods are sent from Jonatandror.com. An amount greater than what you have approved at the time of purchase can never be withdrawn.

When purchasing custom made jewelry, 50% of the total amount will be charged before production begins. The remaining 50% must be paid upon either dispatch or collection of the item.

To shop at Jonatandror.com, you must be 15 years of age and in possession of a valid payment card that we accept. If you are not yet 15 years old, you can still buy goods if you have obtained the consent of your guardian or otherwise have the legal right to enter into the purchase.


How to return your package

1. Pack the item in the same way as it was delivered. Include the piece of jewellery, the certificate, the receipt and the attached return form.

2. Complete the return link that you will find in the order confirmation email.

3. Visit the post office to print and attach the required package label and ship the item.

There is a 60-day free return right on goods purchased from Jonatan Dror. The period is calculated from the day you receive the item. If a ring is engraved on a return, we charge a fee of DKK 1000. Custom-made jewelry is not refundable.


When returning, the jewelry must only have been tried on and must not have signs of significant use that reduces the value. If the jewelery arrives damaged to us, you lose the right to return it. If a ring is engraved on a return, we charge a fee of DKK 1000. Custom-made jewelry is not refundable.


We will make a refund using the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless otherwise agreed. The processing time is typically 3-5 working days, from the day we have received the return item.


Your purchase is covered by the Sales Act, including the defect rules. This means that you can either get a defective item exchanged, get your money back or a discount, depending on the specific situation.

It is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect has not arisen as a result of incorrect use of the product or other damage-causing behaviour. The right to complain is valid for 24 months.

If the complaint is justified, we will refund your (reasonable) shipping costs. The item must always be sent back in proper packaging, and remember to get a receipt for sending so that we can refund your shipping costs.

You must contact us within a 'reasonable time'. You must advertise within a 'reasonable time' after discovering the defect in the item. We recommend that you advertise as soon as possible. If you make a complaint within 2 months after the fault was discovered, the complaint will always be timely.

You can advertise by contacting us via email, which appears on the website.
Depending on the specific situation, you will receive further instructions.

All packages must be returned via GLS or at my office in Hammerensgade 1, 2 floor 1267 Copenhagen K by appointment.

The item must be sent to:
Jonatan Dror ApS
Hammerensgade 1, 2nd floor
1267 Copenhagen K


Jonatan Dror ApS
Hammerensgade 1, 2nd floor
1267 Copenhagen K


VI tilbyder som udgangspunkt ikke garanti på vores smykker, da smykker er relativt skrøbelige ejendele, som opbevares og behandles meget forskelligt fra person til person. Du har dog stadig to års reklamationsret i henhold til købeloven.


Anyday betalingsmuligheden er tilgængelig for køb på 300,- DKK eller mere.

Når du vælger at betale med Anyday, trækker vi den første betaling, når din vare afsendes. Efterfølgende vil du betale en månedlig ydelse den sidste hverdag i hver måned. Antallet af månedlige ydelser starter fra fire måneder og kan variere afhængigt af din valgte betalingsplan. Størrelsen på hver ydelse bestemmes af din ordres samlede beløb, din valgte flexydelse og den specifikke betalingsplan, du har valgt. Husk, at hvis du betaler alle rater til tiden, påløber der ingen renter eller gebyrer. Skulle du returnere dit køb, vil din aftale med Anyday automatisk blive annulleret. Yderligere detaljer og vilkår for brug af Anyday kan findes her


Vi dækker ikke reparationsomkostninger, da smykker er relativt skrøbelige ejendele, som opbevares og behandles meget forskelligt fra person til person. Hvis dit smykke bliver beskadiget, anbefaler vi, at du ikke bærer det, før det er blevet repareret, for at undgå yderligere skader.


For at påbegynde produktionen af et specialdesignet smykke, kræves en forudbetaling svarende til 50% af det samlede beløb. De resterende 50% af betalingen skal udføres ved levering eller afhentning af smykket.

Returretten er ikke gældende på specialfremstillede smykker. Der er ikke nogen fortrydelsesret for varer der er tilpasset efter en kundes anvisninger.
